Page 43 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 43

Oh My Papa

                           TRIBUTE TO RUTHVEN THOMPSON

            One of the great examples of parental support was Ruthven Thompson, father of T&T’s
            three-time Olympic medallist Richard Thompson.  Ruthven who died suddenly in March

            2024, was an affable man and a popular figure in sporting circles. Richard Thompson
            spoke to Franka Philip about the “relentless and unwavering” support he got from his
            father throughout his career.

            Now a father of two boys – Rhys, 11 and Ryan, 7 – he says his father’s approach has
            been hugely influential in how he relates to his sons.

                                               Richard Thompson: As a child, he instilled a belief in me that was
                  Franka Philip: Richard, how   necessary to overcome obstacles that probably would have ended my
                  would describe the support   career as a junior athlete. Beyond his presence, he always provided critical
                  you received from your Dad   feedback and somehow always had the right words to uplift and encourage
                  during your sporting career?   me. This began from the very first time I can remember kicking a ball in
                                               primary school, right until I ended my professional career in 2021.

                  FP: Your Dad was a very popular   RT: He spearheaded a hardcore support system that showed up for me
                  and visible support. How did his   at all of my major international championships! His visibility to others
                  involvement in your sporting   came from a genuine place, and not him seeking any attention. I’m so
                  life help to build your      happy to have created these memories travelling the world with him, my
                                               mother, my brother and uncles. Even within the moment I appreciated
                  relationship with him?       what it meant and never took it for granted. In hindsight, its gravity is so
                                               much stronger.

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