VOLLEYBALL | Trinidad and Tobago Volleyball Federation

 AFFILIATE Trinidad and Tobago Volleyball Federation
 PRESIDENT Mushtaque Mohammed
 SECRETARY Aaron Pollard
 CONTACT  (C) 740-9210
 MAILING ADDRESS Bldg. No 8, Apt 5, Olera Heights, Circular Road, San Fernando
 EMAIL volleyballsecretary@gmail.comaaronpollard@hotmail.com
 WEBSITE www.ttvf.org

MUSHTAQUE MOHAMMED was retained as president of the CAZOVA (Caribbean Zonal Volleyball Association) Confederation during their congress in Montego Bay, Jamaica, over the weekend.

T&T's Mar­lon 'Wal­do' Phillip and Daynte Stew­art capped off a stel­lar week­end with a bronze medal when the third leg of the 2019 NORCE­CA Beach Vol­ley­ball Tour­na­ment end­ed at Man­agua, Nicaragua, yes­ter­day.

The sport has come a long way since it was an excuse to hang out at the beach with a beer. The skills of its athletes are breathtaking

A year ago, 32-year-old Trinidad and Tobago national volleyball player Ayanna Dyette was diagnosed with Stage Four cervical cancer.

T&T’s Un­der-18 Girls’ and Un­der-19 Boys’ will play for bronze medals in the Caribbean Zon­al Vol­ley­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (CA­ZO­VA) Youth (Un­der-19 and Un­der-18) Cham­pi­onships to­day.

TT beach volleyballers stole the show, on Sunday night, as Rheeza Grant and Abby Blackman (women) as well as Daneil Williams and Dante Stewart (men) defended their respective Barbados Olympic Association Independence Invitational Games (BIIG) titles at Pirate’s Cove, Barbados.